Clomipramine HCL – Clomixcare-75
Product description
This product is based on clomipramine, a tricyclic anti-depressant compound that is commonly prescribed for a number of conditions, including clinical depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder, and chronic pain. Thanks to its ability to regulate dopamine and serotonin levels and impact brain chemistry in other ways, clomipramine-based medications are very useful tools for combatting depression and other problems. Clomixcare 75 is a reliable formulation of clomipramine, with each pill containing a precisely measured amount of the active substance, which makes it ideal for therapeutic as well as research applications.
Safety instructions
The use of clomipramine is associated with some side effects which is why it’s not recommended to young people and pregnant women. While these side effects are usually not seriously life threatening, utmost care must be applied whenever Clomixcare 75 or a similar agent is taken. This medication should only be used with a valid doctor’s prescription, and the prescribed dose must never be exceeded. The product should be stored in a dark and safe place out of the reach of children, while any unnecessary contact with human tissues should be avoided